A training plan that you would commit full-time to for years

Or choose an off-the-cuff training plan and that’s what this article is about.

It’s not an expert plan, but rather one man’s thoughts based on years of experience and training with hundreds of clients just like you. This is not the plan for you if you are thinking of a quick fix and trying to achieve results quickly. You need to get a good grasp of the basics. If you need to improve in a specific area you will never reach your ceiling until you master that aspect.

woman doing bizeps curls

My philosophy is to start with the basics and progress from there. I’ve divided the list into three categories by area – speed, strength and endurance. The list is also based on what I usually see with my clients when I first meet them. I will go into more detail in the individual lists.

The three core lifts to know:
1. Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
You can choose one of these for now because they are the core lifts that will give you the best results, but we will expand once you hit your 1st plate on each. You can add any variation to each lift but the main lifts give you the best results. Just make sure you are doing the variations with intensity. If you do only partial reps you will get less benefits than if you were doing full reps where you would fail.

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Each of the exercises below is followed by a discussion of my reasoning why this is such and why this particular move is the one to use for this goal and for those seeking to improve this particular aspect of their training. Then we move on to jumping rope.

jump rope