Get ready to workout hard

Stand erect with your feet approximately shoulder wide apart, knees bend.

Take a deep breath, lower your bottom by flexing your knees and back, your hips, lifting your center of gravity, and push your heels into the ground for the entire range of motion. Your bottom, your arms, your shoulders and your spine are working together to bring your body back to neutral and erect. Don't let your knee relax. Keep everything engaged and engaged. You need to engage, get some movement in, and maintain that in order to get good results. Take a deep breath and hold it for 5 seconds.

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Hold it for another 5 seconds. Do this 10 times. If you're doing this on the side, on the right side, when you're looking down, hold your breath for 5 seconds and then slowly exhale. Repeat the same thing on the left side, 10 times on each side. Repeat the entire exercise, starting with a full inhale, holding 5 second breaths, then 10 times on each side, then another full inhale holding 5 second breaths, then 10 times on each side, etc. The entire excercise should take 45 minutes to an hour. And make sure you take a warm bath after. Try to have three warm bath. Drink water. Drink lots of water and eat a healthy diet.

range of motion

Don't forget to take a rest when you finish your bath. It's better to be fit than skinny. Be healthy. Good health is important. You can do it! There are lots of exercises that can help you in your quest to be thinner. I just wanted to encourage you to do some. You'll definitely feel better after doing them. Don't drink too much water before starting!