Jumping rope and writing: The power of going solo

Finding strength and support in solitude.

Jumping rope alone takes guts and determination, just like writing. While it's easy to follow the crowd and stick to what's comfortable, pushing yourself to jump rope solo or write something completely original takes everything. Congratulations to Michael Sipp for taking that leap and winning the Great Blogging Writing Contest! As with jumping rope, writing can be a solitary endeavor. It's just you and the page or the rope.

woman sitting down and writing something

But that doesn't mean you can't seek out feedback and support from others. Take a moment to thank those who have helped you along the way, and remember that writing, like a jump rope workout, is a marathon, not a sprint. Jumping rope has many benefits beyond just cardiovascular fitness. It's a great way to improve coordination, agility, and footwork, all of which can benefit your overall athletic performance. Similarly, writing can help improve your mental agility, creativity, and communication skills, which can benefit you in all aspects of life. Just like with jump rope training, writing takes practice and persistence.


And just like with jump rope training, there will be setbacks and challenges along the way. But with each jump and each word written, you will become stronger and more confident in your abilities. In writing, just as in jumping rope, it's important to trust your instincts and find your own unique voice.


While it's helpful to receive feedback and advice from others, ultimately it's up to you to decide what works best for you and your writing style. Jump with your training jump rope alone, write alone, but remember that you're never truly alone in your pursuit of greatness.
