When your running out of gas

... your heart rate increases, your breathing quickens, your blood pressure goes up.

So I was pushing myself and ended up over running. If you get to the top and are tired, you've pushed too hard and reached your limit. But it wasn't that, I was pushing to get that last mile under 4 minutes. I just wanted to do my best and get that last effort under my belt, so I went all out over the last mile and ended up pushing myself past my limit.

setting goals

If you decide to do an even better job than you are doing, you will be exceeding your limits. I'm not saying run or ski over what is easy. I am referring to when you decide to speed yourself up - to go beyond what you have been. When this happens you go past where your body is capable of doing more at the pace you are running or skiing. The only answer I have for you, is keep track of the times you are doing. That way, you can use those as a baseline to set higher goals. That is, get the times down so you don't fall short and then set your goals accordingly.

🀸️ πŸƒβ€οΈ 🧜

One of the things that a good trainer notices is if the athletes are taking the right amount of fluids. Athletes need to keep up a certain amount of blood, because that is where the energy for exercising comes from. If they do not drink water (or something with electrolytes) during exercise they may start to lose it quickly. As a trainer, I can tell when some athletes do not drink enough water, but as an athlete I really could not tell you. As an athlete, I have heard athletes say some dumb stuff on the track. Some of it is just so bad, that you are just embarrassed that they can talk the way they talk.